Four Regional
Thai Food Recipes

Produce Thai halal food Thai food prototype development include
consumer acceptance testing.
Institute of Food Research and Product Development (IFRPD)
Kasetsart University

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Four Regional Thai Food Menu

Spicy Grilled Pork Salad

Under Construction

Prawn in Red Curry Sauce

Under Construction

Halal food market is considered to be a large and successful food market with high potential consumption due to great numbers of Muslim around the world. There are more than 1.6 billion Muslims living in over 100 countries around the world, which cause Halal food market values of over 3 trillion baht.

In Thailand, Halal food has become our expanding marketing channel strategy, especially to the Middle-East countries and Muslims community. In order to promote Halal food market from Thailand to the world market as well as to make it acceptable globally, Thai Halal food needs to be differentiated from other Halal foods by producing more varieties and showing more creativity.

Furthermore, Halal food manufacturing needs to meet an international standard both in management and in quality control.

Based on abovementioned importance of Halal food market, researchers has created healthy Thai Halal recipes and developed ready-to-cook Halal sauces using raw materials that follow Islamic law together with well-care cleaning of kitchenwares. Seasoning, vegetable, and meat are from Muslim merchants in the market. Halal food production is performed in Halal kitchen at the Institute of Food Research and Product Development (IFRPD) Kasetsart University.

Products of this research are various ready-to-cook Thai Halal sauces that can be stored at room temperature and can be used widely in Halal food industries.

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Thai Cuisine to Global Market Research Project